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Questions to Ask Your Midwife

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How long have you been practicing?  

How many births have you attended?

What are your credentials? 

Do you take continuing education classes?

Do you have a solo practice or practice with other midwives?

Is your practice involved in the local birth community at all?

Do you have resources for me to connect with other families/parents?

How many planned births do you accept per month?

If you are not available when I go into labor, who is your back up?

What is your overall philosophy on pregnancy, labor, birth, and the postpartum period?

What do you feel your role is as a midwife?

Where do you attend births (hospital, birth center, home)?

How do you feel about water birth?

Are you available by phone or email for questions?

What are your fees? Do you offer payment plans? Accept insurance?

Prenatal Care

How often will I have appointments scheduled?

What will happen during each appointment? 

Who can attend my appointments with me?

What is your philosophy on weight gain, nutrition, prenatal supplements, and exercise?

What factors would risk me out of your practice? How will you help me prevent these? When would I have to transfer to an OB?

Do you have/use a fetoscope? 

Do you require the use of dopplers?

Do you typically do cervical checks during prenatal appointments? When?

Do you recommend/require ultrasounds? When/how many?

What is your hospital transfer rate? What is the typical reason for transfer?

What screenings and tests do you recommend? Which ones do you offer in house vs sending me somewhere else to get?

Do you have any concerns about big babies being birthed vaginally?

What is your view on VBACs (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean)?  

If my baby is breech before delivery, what would you recommend we try?

What testing do you do after my due date? Starting at how many weeks?

How long after my due date can you provide care for me?

Do you have any vacation/trips planned during the month of my due date?

Labor & Birth

At what point in labor do you prefer to get involved?

When would I call you?

When do you do cervical checks during labor?

What type of monitoring do you do during labor? How often? For how long?

Do you routinely use an IV or saline-lock?

Are you comfortable having a doula at the birth? Do you have doulas you recommend?

Are you trained in neonatal resuscitation? How often do you refresh your training in this area?

What equipment do you bring with you to a delivery?

In what situation would an episiotomy be performed?

If my labor stalls, what is the process moving forward?

If my water breaks, is there a time limit to when I need to deliver by?

If I had to be transferred to a hospital, what would be the process? Who would drive me? Which hospital would we transfer to? Would you go to the hospital with me? Would you stay with me through the birth?

Can my partner catch the baby? Can I catch my own baby? 

Postpartum Care

How do you feel about delayed cord clamping?

What postpartum care do you provide? When? How many appointments? Home visits or office visits?

Do you offer newborn screening? Do you require it?

Are you comfortable with me declining newborn medications and procedures like immediate bathing, Vitamin K, Newborn Screening, eye ointment, circumcision, vaccinations?

What is your postpartum visit schedule?

Will you offer lactation support?

How do you screen for and support parents with postpartum mood and anxiety disorders?

Can I continue to see you for well-person visits?

Well Person Care

Can you perform my PAP testing?

Can you order STI testing for me?

Do you offer physicals?

Do you perform blood work? 

Have you supported care for trauma survivors? How does it change your care?

Can you educate me about contraception options? Can you provide me with a prescription?

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